MIAAA Registration

MIAAA Membership Registration
Joining Missouri Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association

The Missouri Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association values your efforts and expertise, and would like you to consider joining our organization as an advocate for school athletic programs throughout the state.

The MIAAA currently enlists the aid and advice of Athletic Directors across the state to serve on MHSHAA Sport Advisory Boards, as well as the Athletic Directors’ Advisory Board.

By becoming a member of our organization, you will enjoy the opportunity to network, as well as educational leadership and professional development opportunities through NIAAA classes, the MIAAA Journal and Annual State Conference.

Join the MIAAA, become an active member and begin to experience the many benefits of this professional organization.

Click here to Register for the MIAAA/NIAAA Dual Membership and the Conference

If you have questions about registration, feel free to contact Marty O'Hern at  moherncmaa@aol.com or Josh Scott at jescott@spsmail.org
