Tools for the Athletic Administrator


Resources for New AD’s

Every new AD had some help – these are items that may help you… they were not invented by me but borrowed from AD’s around the state. These are meant to spark ideas for your use – take what works for your school and teams.
If you have any questions feel free to email Jen Brooks at: 


Resources from the NIAAA

STC Endorses New Video “The Truth about Artificial Turf and Crumb Rubber” – Atlanta, GA – Today, the Recycled Rubber Council and Safe Fields Alliance released an educational video that has addressed the concerns parents and government agencies have voiced over the past 16 months. “The Truth about Artificial Turf and Crumb Rubber” includes compelling interviews from parents, coaches, and scientists who have examined the available studies.  The seven-minute video provides answers to the frequently asked questions parents and officials have regarding health and human safety considerations of crumb rubber infill in synthetic turf sports fields.  The video is available by clicking here.

NIAAA Football Helmet Study

The NIAAA wants to share with you two items that the NFL just shared with the NFHS and the NFHS shared with us.  The NFL recently released the results from a joint study with the NFLPA that looked at which football helmets best reduced the severity of impact.  The performance of the 17 football helmets in these laboratory tests was evaluated across all impact velocities and locations and compared with one another. A statistical test was used to group football helmets with similar performance scores.

Attached is a copy of the findings from this study that were offered this past July to NFL athletic trainers and equipment managers. The NFL has also placed a poster on their website reflecting the results of the study grouping the tested helmets into 2 performance groups. The poster can be found at the following link - CLICK HERE.

Please feel free to share with your Ad’s in your state. The NFHS has shared this with their member state associations as well. This information could raise some questions form patrons of our members. We need to make sure they are aware this information is out there.

It is important to emphasize that these results were based on testing intended to represent NFL impacts and thus, the conclusions on helmet performance cannot be extrapolated to collegiate, high school, or youth football.

Resources from the MIAAA

All of these items are free for your use; however, you should pass these policies through your school administration and school board – Waynesville School District is not responsible for policies and procedures in your district.

Here are the Videos for the meeting – make sure to download them if you would like to use them…the Police one has one questionable word that you may cut.  These are all from the Canadian Youth Hockey League.

  • BurlapRace.mpeg
  • police.mpg
  • grocery.mpg
  • golf-video.mpeg

Beginning of the year Coaches Meeting Agenda – what are you going to say to your coaches that first meeting to set the tone? This checklist has many of the procedural items you may want to Review
Beginning of the Year Meeting - Coaches/Sponsors

Heat Index Document for Fall/Spring Practices – Make sure to understand MSHSAA's Heat Acclimatization policy from MSHSAA this year.

Sample Emergency Action Plan – make your coaches actually fill out what they will do if there is an emergency.

    Blank Budget
    Help Accountability for your PD dollars
    Use the form for all road trips
    Post Season report
    Eligibility List
    Preseason Report
    Coach Survery
    The Law of the Price Tag
    Tryout Guidelines
    Bronco Fall Parent Meeting Power Point Presentation